for now,
i am going to reflect on some of the positive things i have neglected to blog about here recently.
*i have found needed release at a new (to me) yoga studio. the past three weeks of practice have taught me a successful crow pose, a few different head stands, a held forearm stand, a full wheel (which for some reason took me forever to accomplish), and more effective breathing techniques. during the hour + at padma, my mind is present in the moment, my body is challenged, and i feel accomplished. i am very grateful for that release.

*we planted our garden complete with tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, bell peppers, okra, squash, zucchini, watermelon and cantaloupe. we decided to mix it up this year. i also potted basil, oregano, and citronella plants. my thumbs are by no means 'green' but hopefully with the help of my more gardening prone husband, we will eat the freshest of vegetables in the near future.
*we planted a fruit bearing pear tree in the back yard. i is awfully small now, but i can't wait to watch it grow to become a large, beautiful, white blossoming shade tree.
*my dad and i completed a 100k (65mile) bike ride last weekend. we rode along a bluebonnet trail that was absolutely breath taking. this was our first rally this year and it sure will be hard to top.

picture via
*zach and i confirmed (with ourselves and our boss) that we are taking a long weekend in May to get away. we plan to spend an uninterrupted weekend at my parents lakehouse with nothing to do but lay in the sun and fish off the dock. it may not be a colorado vacation, but it is certainly something to look forward to!