Tuesday, January 3, 2012

oh, pinterest

pinterest, what a concept. i, along with many, have become slightly addicted to browsing pinterest. the inspiration bulletin board, i created years ago, has been technologically replaced by the endless display of 'pins'. (although, if i'm being completely honest, my inspiration board still houses magazine clippings i tacked on months and months ago...updating was never done on a regular basis).
this christmas i browsed my 'gift of giving' board on pinterest for ideas, and decided on attempting to recreate the following few.

these wine cork monograms were created for the wine drinkers of our fam:

inspiration found here

i also whipped up a lemon kitchen hand scrub and lavender bath salts for a few of my favorite women.

inspired by

overall, i'm pretty happy with my first pinterest projects.

happy pinning,

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