*i participated in a outdoor yoga class (cleverly called: "downdog & drinks") which helped raise money for two beautiful and brave women who are walking in the susan g. komen 3-day for the cure.

*i saw (what i think) was my 12th dave matthews band show. crazy. and it was still as good as it was the very first time.
*my sweet husband surprised me with a new yoga mat, i then convinced myself that having a pretty new mat justified purchasing myself a pretty new yoga outfit...oopps.
*i also tried out another new studio which i am very fond of, and supported a yogi who just became certified by attending her awesome class.
*i rearranged and reorganized my sparsely visited upstairs.
*i laughed lots with the husband, sister, brother-in-law, parents, and friends.
*i have decided that our dining room is in need of a fresh coat (or two) of paint in a fresh new color.
*i replaced the American flag that hangs outside our house with a proud Texas flag for a change of scenery.
*i watched my beloved cowboys play an awful game, then got mad.
*i ordered 2 amazing furniture books i have been eyeing for the business
*i listened to lots of welcomed rain fall
i love these kinds of posts! nice one chels. when are you going back to karmany? i wanna join.
ReplyDeleteI love making justifications for things like new clothes as well :) hehe
ReplyDeletethanks for your support at d & d chels (and thanks for the shoutout)!!!