Wednesday, July 14, 2010

my monday - friday

Here are a few little things that make me happy during my work week:

the fresh flowers dad brings into my office from our courtyard

my mid-morning caffine fix

finding sweet notes, secretly stashed by my hubby

my kick-a** color calander

the yummy fresh fruit my grandpa brings in

when my office supply drawer looks like this

and all the cool projects going on in the these mini chairs!


  1. i never knew how magical your workspace was. i want to visit!

  2. love this! especially the note on the computer :)

    came your way via reading my tea leaves and had to leave a comment on this post!

    ps-hosting an ebelskiver pan giveaway - if you're not familiar they make the greatest little danish filled pancakes that are such a treat. if you're interested, plz stop by and enter.
